The Game of Senet


Now that you have beaten the Pharaoh at SENET, you can play a full game against each other…

To play a full game of Senet, you will need Sheet 6 and Card G from the game materials. You also need to grab a 6-sided die (you can grab this from any other board game you might have). You will ALSO need the cut-out sheet. Cut out the 5 silver scarab pieces from the Senet section of the sheet, along with the 3 gold pieces from that section. The remaining 2 gold pieces come from the Ch. 1 section of the game, making it a total of 5 scarabs per color.

Place the gold and silver pieces on Sheet 6 so that they are alternating (every other) space in the top row. Decide who goes first and roll the die. If you roll a 6, roll again, as the 6 was not used in Senet. Play according to the rules at the bottom of Sheet 6 and use Card G to help tell you what the special spaces mean. Remember… you can jump over other pieces, but if you land on a piece of a different color, swap places with them… sending them back. The first player to get all of their colored scarab pieces off the board wins!

NOTE: There is some confusion to the actual rules of this game, as historians have to guess exactly how the Egyptians played it. In some versions of the game, the rules are that you MUST land EXACTLY on the “House of Happiness” before continuing on… In other versions of the rules, this is not specified. It is up to you as to how you want to play it.